Sunday, Dec. 21 - Columbia Dojo at 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
You are invited to help make a change this Christmas in a young girls life!
To: ADULTS only (students and parents of students)
What: Help put together personal care kits and other supply kits for girls and young women rescued from human trafficking/sex trade. There is a group called The Covering House that provides these young ladies a safe, therapeutic place to rebuild their lives… But, they have an ongoing wish list.
When: Sunday, Dec. 21 at 5 p.m.
Where: Waterloo Dojo
Why: To allow all adults in the dojo, students and non-students, to get to know each other a bit better, while helping Okinawan Karate School make a difference in the greater community.
Goal: To make 25 to 30 kits and develop some new friendships!
Details: Some materials for the kits will be provided; however, more donations of the following items would allow us to make a bigger impact. Toiletries, feminine hygiene products, soft small bright fuzzy pillows, fleece bright blankets, warm fuzzy socks, snuggly teddy bears, journals/diary, backpacks, high school level motivational/uplifting books, basic shoes like flats or slippers or flip flops in ladies size 7-9.
You can look up the organization at
Please RSVP to Deshi Peterson at 444-1452 *text or call* or email her at
Deshi is providing appetizers to snack on while she presents a 10 minute program on the dangers of human trafficking, how it impacts our region and who The Covering House is. After the presentation we will start putting together kits for the girls when they first enter The Covering organization.
Whether or not you are able to attend, donations are appreciated. Please bring them that evening if you are coming, or you can drop them at the Waterloo or Belleville Dojos on Saturday the 20th at class or testing.
Thanks for considering helping this great organization. I am excited about having our karate school reach out to the community more. Thanks to Sensei for letting me borrow the dojo for this event.